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Showing posts from August, 2010

Crossing the Narrow Bridge--Together

For the past nine years I have wanted to learn Breslov Chasidut with someone, anyone, near my home. As there is no vibrant Breslov community here I was pretty much tough outta luck. I continued on my not so merry way, and occasionally I would meet up with someone who would be willing to learn a little with me. I must say, those times were like a small oasis to me and I was most grateful for them but they lasted only weeks, if I was lucky. By nobody's fault the learning simply fizzled out. Well, perhaps it was someone's fault. Maybe even mine. Perhaps I just wasn't ready. Perhaps I was not committed to learning with others and sharing that learning. Perhaps I simply did not want it enough then, because this past summer I have enjoyed the sweetness of learning with a group of ladies that have become such a precious time in my week and particularly of my shabbat. It all started when I met one lady at shul (synagogue). Now allow me to preface this with just a little someth...

The Face of Turbulence By Jesse Wolf Hardin

This is a beautiful poem by someone I count as one of my mentors, Jesse Wolf Hardin, of the Anima Lifeways and Herbal School . The Face of Turbulence – a poem by Jesse Wolf Hardin And the monsoons continue, their swelling dark promise bursting forth as searing lightning and crashing thunder, setting an example some afternoons by pouring their stormy hearts out. Pouring down the cliff sides, and deepening the river. Pouring down our cabin roofs, and overflowing the gutters. Overflowing our barrels with a deafening din, overflowing the carefully dug ditches that like many projects and missions in life, we know must be dug again and again, and again. Pouring down on us as we rush to tend what needs tending and covering, rivulets down our faces indistinguishable from life’s clearly unavoidable tears. Pouring rain, and then pouring hard and unforgiving hail. I look straight up into the blinding white face of turbulence, squint and then smile… remembering well what it’s like to be dry and th...

A Nightmarish Situation

This came up on my facebook feed and I couldn't believe it even after reading it twice. A mother who refused to sign off on a pre-consent to cesarean consent form has had her child removed from her custody for the past THREE years. File this under: unfreakinbelievable! Mother Loses Baby for Three Years

Soul Garden

I come across a parched and weed filled garden. Planted with love, tended with devotion the day to day stealing the time away from the Beloved. My eyes become heavy and my heart feels a hole as I bend down to look closer. I reach out and touch the now dry and withered plants. One there was medicine here. Once there was peace. Once there was healing. Once there was growth. I begin to trim away the dry stems and pull out the excessive clover. I find the earth is crying from thirst, the clover has prevented the rain from even reaching the soil. As if in answer to a prayer, the rain begins to fall. I feel the drops falling on my back and with gratitude, ignore the dampness. This garden needs me. I continue to pull, small plants which I think should come out with ease have sent their roots deep into the earth. I curse the plant and begin to wonder how long has it been. I pity the once beautiful garden and get back to work. I discover lavender and yarrow, columbine and lemon balm. How could...

Herbal Ally: Yarrow

Yarrow is a dear, dear friend of mine. I discovered this lovely plant on a trip to Salem, Mass. several years ago. At the time it was mostly a lot of folklore and stories, and the more I read about Yarrow, the more intrigued I was. Yarrow has a reputation for being the "Witches Herb" and I have no issues with that, considering I think 'witch' is a term that was thrown around haphazardly at any woman who was skilled in herbs, midwifery and healing. Let's just say the 'misogynistic religious right' was quite intimidated, with the herbwifes and midwives who came before us. I myself can accept the fact that if I was currently in those times, I'd have been burnt at the stake several times over by now. :::sheesh:: Yarrow is an amazing herb. Just being in her presence relaxes and calms the mind. Her gentle scent is very soothing. I personally love to pet the flowers and enjoy how each tiny flower feels of my hand. Spending time with a plant is truly the best ...

My Friend the Tree

May I introduce to you my friend, The Tree. I met this friend three years ago when I started working my summer job at a local Friend's school. There is a very old meetinghouse there, established somewhere in the 1600's. I enjoy working there during the summers, change of locale and people. The children are darling and the campus is gorgeous. Behind the meetinghouse is a very old cemetery with a variety of trees growing. They seem to me to be sentinels, watching over both the living and the dead. In this setting is where I met her, my friend The Tree. I was first drawn to her by her lovely, spread out roots. The first year I was there we would pass by her, taking the short cut through the cemetery to the athletic fields where the children would have sports, and I noted her roots. I pointed them out to the children and they of course began to clamor all about her. It seem there is nothing more enticing to children then a large welcoming tree. They felt her bark, ran among her ro...

A New Sister of Mine Writes

A new sister of mine, friendship forged by the meeting of hearts, minds and souls, an artist brought to me by another sister , has honored our time this past Rosh Chodesh by writing about it. Please check out this POWERFUL verse written by Melissa ! It made me shiver, and I was there!

Devotion, Drums and Dance

"If you make it they will come." This famous line from Field of Dreams repeated over and over in my head as I prepared for last night to come. Born of a thought and a vision that I have had for quite some time now, I wanted to gather the women on rosh chodesh to have a drum circle, dance and share in sweet sisterhood while connecting to the One. It occurred to me about three weeks ago that if I was going to do this, Elul would be the time. The Baal ShemTov called the days of Elul the days when the King is in the field. He explained this with a parable. Normally, in order to gain an audience with the King, one must go through a lengthy procedure. He must travel to the capitol city, arrange an appointment, and then get permission to enter the palace. Even when permission is granted is may be days or weeks before he is finally allowed to enter. When he does finally get to ... see the King, the audience is likely to be short and very formal. The citizen, not used to the...